WordPress — Automatic Upgrade… [SOLVED]

Hi all,I had the same problem with my DS209.The problem is with the file/folder owner. By default the web server software uses nobody as the file/folder owner, when you install wordpress using a network share the system assumes resets the name of the file owner to that of the login you used to access the share preventing the web server software making any changes, thats the reason why the automatic update feature doesnt work, even if you input the correct FTP login information in wordpress.

To correct the problem you must enable the terminal service in the Synology system and login as root using a SSH software.After that you write this:

chown -R nobody:nobody /volume1/web/wordpress

You can change the /volume1/web/wordpress to the specific structure you have.After this you should be able to use the automatic upgrade feature of wordpress.Hope this helps,Pedro Tróia

Источник: Synology Inc. • View topic — WordPress 2.7 — Automatic Upgrade… [SOLVED].

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